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"It looks really good, I like it a lot. I think the one necessary improvement is to add the demographic information in the drug search screen. This is a safety issue, I need to be able to see who am I dealing with, who am I prescribing to."

"I like it, it's easy, I like the interface a bit more than what I have currently, because everything currently is on the left and right in columns, with this one column, it's a bit more centred. I have a better idea of what drugs they were on and previously on. "

"If there's a way to trend things, that would be very very useful. In addition to vital signs, sometimes results like lab values that are being trended, for e.g. diabetes. If we're trending glucose control or A1Cs or blood sugars, that might affect the behaviour of a prescriber. Having that data available and accessible from the ordering tab is important"


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